It is harvest season here in Thailand. I (Somboon) took the students who live with us to help some people harvest rice. We want to build relationships with the people who live around us and it opens opportunities for us to share about God with them. The students are very excited. Some of them told me that the field is like their school because it teaches them lessons of life. That made me praise God.
Last month my youngest brother brought a team here from Rajaphat University. They taught our students about evangelism. As part of their outreach, they showed a movie about Jesus to people who live here and then took our students in small groups to do door to door evangelism. It has given our students more courage in sharing the gospel. Also, two people prayed to accept the Lord. Many of the students here gave testimonies about the outreaches and they were very excited about it. Many of our students are very, very shy, but when they went out to share, they said they couldn't figure out where the courage and bravery to share came from! They said they couldn't figure out where they got the courage to share Christ with adults! These things are making the students more mature and helping them grow up in their faith as well as giving them more courage.
Please pray for the staff here to have wisdom to know how to teach and build up the students here to be true disciples of Jesus Christ.
God bless you.
A. Somboon