Monday, November 22, 2010

We were blessed beyond belief to see 12 people baptized Sunday, November 14th. All 12 people, along with Pastor Somboon are pictured above. It was a beautiful day at the Mekong River. The following girls from the girls house were baptized: Kung, Mone and Nee. The following boys at the boys house were baptized: Mai, Kowit, Tong, Wee, Nai and Wang. Nai and Wang are the sons of Hmong church leaders, but neither one of them were believers when they first came to live at the boys house this year. Praise God that they have accepted the Lord and have decided to follow Him in baptism. Tong and Wee had said they weren't sure if they were ready to be baptized, but at the last minute, both boys decided to get baptized. Wee practically ran into the water and gave Pastor Somboon a big hug after getting baptized. It was so precious to see! Mai, the cook for the boys house, and her daughter Pu were also baptized. Both of these women had accepted the Lord a few years ago, and have waited a long time to be baptized. Ran, a church member, was also baptized. He is growing in the Lord by leaps and bounds.
The previous Sunday, 7 people here at the foundation accpeted the Lord:

The girls include: Newt, Creme and Mone. This is Creme's first year here with us and we are excited about what God is doing in her life. Newt and Mone are sisters and this is the 2nd year they have been here. The boys include: Nai, Wang, Kowit and Joe.

Thank you for your prayers. Your prayers are bearing much fruit!