Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hmong Developing Quality of Life Foundation (HDQLF)- June 9, 2009

Students at the Hostel at HDQLF, - June 9, 2009


Praise God for the students that God has brought to us this year. There are some students from broken families and from families that have problems. (Some students come from families whose father sells drugs, and one girl's father is currently in jail for selling drugs and her mother wants her to get married now.) Some are from families that aren't Christians, while others are from Christian families. There are Hmong in Thailand who give lip service to being Christian, but don't understand what it means to be a Christian. They aren't really Christians. When they accept Christ into their hearts, they don't necessarily want Jesus, they just want freedom from sacrificing to the spirits. Please pray for the students that are living here with us this year. It's not easy. We need to rely on God's wisdom, love and patience in order to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Right now, the weather is changing and many students are sick. They are: Chai, Pu, Tong, Mai, and Kowit. Please pray for these students.

As for the girls, they are all doing well. Please pray for God's protection over them. Many Hmong girls in Thailand get married very quickly, about 12-15 years of age. This is too fast. They get married, and then have marriage problems and that leads to more broken families. Pray that the students here would put God as number one in their lives and that they would see the importance of an education in their lives. The reason that I am saying this is that last year one of the female students here left to get married. She was very young.

May God bless you and thank you for your prayers and support.


June 9, 2009